Best Motor & Movement Impairment & Cerebral Palsy Books
Book reviews of my recommendations for the best books for parents of children with fine and gross motor and cerebral palsy issues.
As the mother of a adult child with mild cerebral palsy, I found working with a physical therapist when he was younger was extremely helpful in helping him develop strength and coordination. It also helps with his attention and fine motor abilities. Even as an adult, doing gross motor activities (including long walks, his version of swimming and exercises provided by a physical therapist) is still very helpful to his overall functioning. Below are some of the resources I have found over the years. Fine motor continues to be a problem and certainly was in school where he had less adaptations. I include some resources for fine motor activities here as well.
Cerebral Palsy : A Complete Guide for Caregiving
By Freeman Miller, Steven J. Bachrach
e best resource for parents for all aspects of cerebral palsy
in children and babies. Highly recommended. Covers a range
of ages (from baby to adult) and range of severity (impaired to handicapped).
A large portion of the book is dedicated to questions and answers regarding
the three major forms of cerebral palsy: diplegia, hemiplegia and quadraplegia. Includes an overview of child
development; medical issues; psychological, and social development; and financial and legal information.
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Brothers and Sisters
by Laura Dwight
Heartwarming children's picture book about children with special
needs and disabilities, written from the point of view of their siblings.
A lovely display of high quality photographs is the main feature of
each story, showing brothers and sisters happily interacting together,
as they play and go about their normal day together. Informative and
upbeat, this exceptional children's picture book stars children with
Cerebral Palsy, Congenital Amputation (missing a limb), and other disabilities.
I highly recommend this special needs children's book for libraries,
schools, doctors, therapists, or home.
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Dexter and Me - A Story about Motor Coordination
by Ines Lawlor
The only book I know of for children who have difficulties with motor coordination. For elementary age children, this book provides a way of understanding motor coordination problems and provides hints to improve skills. It includes a explanations at a child's level.
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Teaching Motor Skills to Children With Cerebral Palsy And Similar Movement Disorders: A Guide for Parents And Professionals
by James N. Parker and Philip M. Parker (Editors)
Basic suggestions for researching cerebral palsy (e.g. finding guidelines
on diagnosis, treatments, and prognosis) are followed by a number of
topics, including organizations, associations, or other patient networks
dedicated to cerebral palsy. Also includes resources for research dedicated
to cerebral palsy such as contact names, links via the Internet, and
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The Joy of Movement: Lesson Plans and Large-Motor Activities for Preschoolers
By Mary Lynn Hafner
Activities for preschoolers so they will use their bodies in a variety of ways and increase large motor skills. Aimed at teachers, but parents might find the ideas useful as well. It includes diagrams and many examples of ways children can use movement in beneficial ways.
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99 Fine Motor Ideas for Ages 1 to 5
By Nicolette Roux
A book of of a variety of fine motor activities for young children. It goes beyond the usual writing and drawing exercises, to encompass a mix of fine motor activities. Directed at teachers, but useful for parents who are looking for ideas for motor control and movement activities.
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The Cerebral Palsy Tool Kit: From Diagnosis to Understanding
By Michele P Shusterman
This introductory book provides an guide as you go through the emotions of finding out your child has cerebral palsy. Provides an overview of risk factors, types of cerebral palsy, what to expect and how to work with your child. Filled with many positive photographs and easy to understand charts and language.
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Fine Motor Skills in Children With Down Syndrome : A Guide for Parents
and Professionals
by Maryanne Bruni
A useful and comprehensive handbook for parents or therapists
who wish provide fun exercises for children to develop fine motor skills. Focuses on Down Syndrome but the play and exercises would be useful to many children with fine motor difficulties with their hands. A very useful resource for movement activities.
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Gross Motor Skills in Children With Down Syndrome : A Guide for
Parents and Professionals
by Patricia C. Winders
An excellent handbook for parents or therapists who wish to provide
fun exercises with any special needs child needing to develop gross
motor skills (large muscles). A practical book for parents of children with movement disorders or developmental delay.
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