Author Interviews
Exclusive interviews with authors of books for parents of children with special needs or disabilities.

Interview with Carol Kranowitz, the author of Out-of-Sync Child (special need author: sensory integration)
Interview with Tony Attwood, the author of Asperger Syndrome (special need author: autism)
Interview with Joel Nigg, author of Getting Ahead of ADHD (ADHD)
Interview with Deborah Reber, author of Differently Wired: Raising an Exceptional Child in a Conventional World
Interview with Dr. Mark Batshaw, author of When Your Child Has a Disability (special need author: special needs)
Interview with Laura Dyer, author of Look Who's Talking (special need author: speech)
Interview with Nancy Mucklow, author of The Sensory Team Handbook
Interview with David A. Sherman, author of Autism, Asserting Your Child's Right to a Special Education. (special need author: autism)
Interview with Polly Godwin Emmons and Liz McKendry Anderson, the authors of Understanding Sensory Dysfunction (special need authors: sensory integration)
Interview with Lindsey Biel and Nancy Peske, the authors of Raising a Sensory Smart Child (special need authors: sensory integration)
Interview with Miriam Edelson, the author of Battle Cries: Justice for Kids with Special Needs (special needs author: advocacy, speical needs parenting)
Interview with Grace May Chiu, co-author of Bonding While Learning (special needs author: learning disabilities).
Interview with Tracey Wood, author of Teaching Kids to Learn to Read for Dummies (special need author: learning disabilities)
Interview with Deborah Gray, the author of Attaching in Adoption (special need author: adoption attachment)
Interview with Sandra Harris, the co-author of Siblings of Children With Autsim: A Guide for Familes (special need author: autism)
Interview with Robert A. Naseef, the author of Special Children Challenged Parents
Interviews with Dianne Maroney and Amy Tracy, authors of Your Premature Baby and Child (special need author: prematurity)
Interview with Darrell Parker, author of A Parent and Teacher's Guide to the Special Needs Child
Interview with Trish Maskew, author of Our Own (special need author: adoption)
Interviews with Kim Wilson and Kimberly Powell, authors of Living Miracles (special need author: prematurity)
Grace May Chiu, author of Bonding While Learning: Activities to Grow Your Relationship While Preparing for Reading Success