Vision Impairment Resources
Annotated list of resources for parents with children who have severe vision impairment or are blind.

Recommended Books on Vision Impairment - Book reviews of useful books for parents of children with visual impairment
Paths to Literacy - A number of articles on teaching ideas for children who are blind or visually impaired, including those with multiple disabilities or deafblindness.
Family Connect - Articles on vision impairment and education. Parts of site no longer function but still some good information available. Now managed by the American Printing House for the Blind.
Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (TSBVI) - Online learning and other resources for working with children who are blind or have multiple disabilibies.
Perkins eLearning - Courses online and other resources for the blind.
Librivox - Volunteers record chapters of books in the public domain to make the audio files available to the world, for free.
Library of Congress, National Library Service Talking Books - Produces audio recordings for the blind.
Local NLS Libraries - These books are completely free for those who are eligible.
National Center on Deaf and Blindness - In the U.S., there are roughly 10,000 children who are deaf-blind. Ninety percent of children who are identified as deaf-blind have additional physical, medical and/or cognitive disabilities. This site provides a forum, assessment tools and a free online course on protactile ASL.
Light House Guild - Parent support phone support and blog, as well as professional classes.
Blindness and Vision Impairment - The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Tips provides an overview of blindness and vision impairment in the US.
Vision Health Initiative - Statistics, community information and more. Division of Diabetes Translation, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
Strategy to See - Suggestions for creating and modifying books for children with vision impairment, plus articles on helping children with CVI with literacy.
Signs & Symptoms of Learning-Related Vision Problems
The College of Optometrists in Vision Therapy provides a good chart on signs of vision problems in children and how they affect education.
WonderBaby - Articles on helping children with visual impairment and other special needs, including multiple impairments.