Teaching Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Recommendations for teaching children with ADD or ADHD.

Attention deficit disorder is a syndrome characterized by serious and persistent difficulties in the following three specific areas:

  1. Attention span.
  2. Impulse control.
  3. Hyperactivity (sometimes).

ADD ADHDis a chronic disorder that can begin in infancy and extend through adulthood, having negative effects on a child's life at home, school, and within the community. It is conservatively estimated that 3 to 5% of our school-age population is affected by ADD ADHD The term attention deficit disorder was introduced to describe the characteristics of these children more clearly.

Require a daily assignment notebook if necessary:

Giving Assignments

Develop an individualized education program.

Make sure you are testing knowledge and not attention span.

Give extra time for certain tasks. Students with ADD ADHD may work slowly. Do not penalize them for needing extra time.

Keep in mind that children with ADD ADHD are easily frustrated. Stress, pressure, and fatigue can break down their self-control and lead to poor behavior.

Modifying Behavior and Enhancing Self-Esteem

Providing Supervision and Discipline:

Remain calm, state the infraction of the rule, and avoid debating or arguing with the student.
Have pre-established consequences for misbehavior.
Administer consequences immediately, and monitor proper behavior frequently.
Enforce classroom rules consistently.
Make sure the discipline fits the "crime," without harshness.
Avoid ridicule and criticism. Remember, children with ADD ADHD have difficulty staying in control.
Avoid publicly reminding students on medication to "take their medicine."

Providing Encouragement:

Reward more than you punish, in order to build self-esteem.
Praise immediately any and all good behavior and performance.
Change rewards if they are not effective in motivating behavioral change.
Find ways to encourage the child.
Teach the child to reward himself or herself. Encourage positive self-talk (e.g., "You did very well remaining in your seat today. How do you feel about that?"). This encourages the child to think positively about himself or herself.

Other Educational Recommendations

Educational, psychological, and/or neurological testing to determine learning style and cognitive ability and to rule out any learning disabilities (common in about 30% of students with ADD ADHD).
A private tutor and/or peer tutoring at school.
A class that has a low student-teacher ratio.
Social skills training and organizational skills training.
Training in cognitive restructuring (positive "self-talk," e.g., "I did that well").
Use of a word processor or computer for schoolwork.
Individualized activities that are mildly competitive or noncompetitive such as bowling, walking, swimming, jogging, biking, karate. (Note: Children with ADD/ADHD may do less well than their peers in team sports.)
Involvement in social activities such as scouting, church groups, or other youth organizations that help develop social skills and self-esteem.
Allowing children with ADD ADHD to play with younger children if that is where they fit in. Many children with ADD ADHD have more in common with younger children than with their age-peers. They can still develop valuable social skills from interaction with younger children.

Copyright ERIC Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted Education