Book Recommendations for Parents of Children with Special Needs and Disabilities
Reviews of the best books for parents of children with special needs

What are the best books about children's disabilities and children's special needs?
Here are the top books for a wide range of disability topics, from the best ADHD books and best Autism books to the best best Sensory Integration books. Plus experienced recommendations for parenting children with special needs, including the best books about special needs parenting, and best books for advocating for special education for your child, and the best financial books for raising your special needs child.
Be sure to read the unique interviews with the authors of these children's disability and special needs books, as well.
TOPICS: Best Books on Special Needs Parenting and Children's Disabilities
Adoption Special Needs Books
Animal Therapy Books
Advocacy and Special Education
Allergies and Asthma Books
Autism Books
Cerebral Palsy (Fine and Gross
Motor) Books
Financial Books for Special Needs
Learning Disabilities
OCD and Anxiety Books
Parenting (Special Needs Children)
Parenting (General) Books
Prematurity Books
Sensory Integration Books
Speech and Communication Books
Visual Impairment Books
See also Author Interviews: My personal interviews with well known authors of special needs and parenting books.